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PAYMENT: You can either pay at time of booking OR pay in person on the night by selecting the Pay In Person check box during the booking process.
KIWI CRAWL RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Kiwi Crawl Ltd run bar tours in the urban environment of Queenstown. We spend time within venues and walking between venues and as such there are elements of risk involved. These include, but are not limited to, natural hazards (such as fire, flooding and earthquakes), changing weather conditions, traffic, pedestrians, crowds, stairs, undulating and slippery ground, trips and falls, dancing, consumption of alcohol, consumption of food and other bar patrons. Kiwi Crawl takes the safety of our customers very seriously, and as such, take all practicable steps to mitigate these risks to ensure your safety whilst on a tour with us.
4 hr
30 New Zealand dollars4 hr
40 New Zealand dollars4 hr
$65 to $130pp- 30 New Zealand dollars
- 40 New Zealand dollars
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